Antioch Unified School District Trustee Walter Ruehlig
“Steve's a rare breed in this partisan day and age--- an individual who can't be stereotyped or pigeonholed. Refreshingly, he truly works collaboratively with people of all parties.”
The National Federation of Independent Business
“NFIB is proud to endorse Steve Glazer for the State Senate. He believes, as do our members, that government needs to live within its means. Unlike his opponent, Steve opposes extending Prop. 30 small business taxes, wants to protect Proposition 13 property tax protections, and is committed to stopping the powerful special interests have dominated the State Capitol for too long.” -John Kabateck, NFIB/CA Executive Director
“Steve will be a reasonable voice in Sacramento. There are not enough legislators who support small businesses and we create 67% of the jobs in California. I look forward to working with him to ensure that small business owners can grow their businesses, create jobs and thrive.” -Judy Lloyd, NFIB/CA Leadership Council member and owner of Altamont Strategies in Danville
“Steve has set himself apart from the typical union-backed Democrat and has taken a stand against out-of-control pensions and government spending. He will be a strong advocate for businesses in his district such as mine.” -Cliff Luengo, NFIB/CA Leadership Council member and owner of RB Construction in Fremont
Former Assemblymember and San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce President Jim Cunneen
“No one political party has a monopoly on the truth. Steve Glazer's unbending independence is what's required now -- for people to believe that their government is looking out for their best interest. What I see in Steve is a leader with new ideas, new energy and a new commitment to solving our common challenges, together. I'm proud to support him.”
Clayton Council Member Jim Diaz
"Steve Glazer is the fiscally responsible candidate. We can count on him to put our community's interest first and be independent from special interests. Clayton will have a close friend in the State Senate with Steve."
Pleasanton Planning Commission Board Member Nancy Allen
"I support Steve because he has both the experience and independence which he will use to ably represent Pleasanton. His number one focus is making things better for the people he represents vs. playing party politics as evidenced by his transparent campaign reporting and his pledge to not take any gifts from special interest groups. I wish more candidates were willing to do the same."
Dublin Resident Carol Bushlack
“I’ve been a lifelong Democrat in the East Bay. Steve Glazer will represent the best of Democratic values as our State Senator.”
Pleasanton Resident and Physicist Dr. Stephen E. Savas
"Steve has substantial experience in California state and local government, and has been a strong supporter of our educational system. He has been fiscally responsible, articulate and effective in serving the interest of all the people. I believe he will faithfully represent the people rather than special interests, and work with Senators of both parties to find practical solutions to California's problems. I am voting for Steve Glazer for State Senate."
San Ramon Valley Unified School District Board Member Mark Jewett
"Steve has been an ardent supporter of public education, championing the critical issues of local control and funding adequacy.
Steve has help stem the tide of dramatic and catastrophic school funding cuts through his leadership on Proposition 30 and local school funding measures.
He strongly opposes the cap on school district reserves. Steve supports the notion that local control is preferable to Sacramento control when it comes to local school district finances.
Steve also has common sense approaches to fiscal responsibility and political transparency, recognizing the importance of a healthy retirement system for governmental employees, while acknowledging that pension reform is far from complete. Steve will bring a pragmatic approach to governing from Sacramento, free from the biases of public interest groups, while providing transparency in all his decisions. Steve will be good for Sacramento, and California public schools."
Former Alameda County Veterans Affairs Commissioner & Pleasanton Resident Doug Miller
"As a veteran and former Alameda County Veterans Affairs Commissioner, I strongly support the election of Steve Glazer as California State Senator. He clearly understands the needs of the veteran community at the state level and has made a commitment to address these issues."
Rossmoor Resident & Retired Police Lieutenant Al Bierce
“I have known Steve for more than 10 years. I have always been impressed by his honesty, his intellect and his commitment. He would bring the same qualities to the State Senate. I am proud to endorse his candidacy. "
Former Mayor of Concord,Walnut Creek Civic Leader & Rossmoor Resident Diane Longshore
"In my view, a true leader is a person willing to make the difficult choices. Steve Glazer has shown that he has the thoughtfulness and ability to analyze a situation and to take action for the greater good. We need him representing us in the California Senate. Steve understands Concord's needs and will be a great advocate for the people of Concord in the Legislature. Steve is deeply familiar with Walnut Creek and Rossmoor and will advance our interests in Sacramento."
High School Teacher Riki Sorenson
"As a public school teacher and union member, I’m voting for Steve Glazer. As a private citizen Steve worked tirelessly to protect our public schools from budget reductions and to raise teacher pay and benefits -- that is why he was awarded the highest recognition that our school district can bestow on a citizen volunteer.
I commend Steve for courageously opposing the BART strikes; I do not label him 'anti-union' as his criticisms of management were as loud as those of labor. I am disheartened by the union pile-on that has ensued, especially when the attacks are nonsensical and deceitful. Steve is a good man who has assiduously served our schools and community.
I’m a Democrat, a union member, and I’m proudly voting for Steve Glazer."
Discovery Bay Resident Gina Kaprielian
“Steve Glazer opposes the Twin Tunnels because the massive water diversion would harm our Delta lifestyle. Saltier water would corrode boats and alter aquatic life. Lower depths would worsen wakeboarding and other recreation. I agree with Steve’s stance against BART strikes because my long-distance commute became unbearable when trains stopped running those eight days in 2013.”
Dublin Unified School District Trustee Sean Kenney
"Steve supports public education and California’s responsibly to ensure students are our highest priority. His experience as a CSU trustee and efforts to pass local funding measures shows his commitment to education and his desire to provide the best for all students. In today’s age of special interest groups driving our government, Steve is a refreshing change. I do not agree with him on every issue, but I know Steve will be true to his core values. I’m proud to support Steve Glazer for California State Senate."
Livermore Residents Vidhya and Ramesh Borade
“We support Steve because of his extraordinary courage, demonstrated by his stance against BART strikes. Steve is for smarter spending and holding the line on taxes.”
Dublin Unified School District Trustee Greg Tomlinson
San Ramon Valley Unified School District Vice President Greg Marvel
"I have been an elected school board member in the San Ramon Valley for almost 15 years. I believe that high quality public education is critical not only for our children but for the economic future of California. That is why I am endorsing Steve Glazer. His support of public education coupled with his vision for reforms that will enhance the quality of our public schools is the right formula for California. Steve will work across party lines to put students first, ahead of the special interests and the entrenched status quo mentality that dominates the educational debate in this state. If you care about the future of the next generation of Californians, you will join me in helping to elect Steve Glazer, the true independent voice for public education and students in this state."
Former Mayor of Walnut Creek and Town of Moraga Sue McNulty Rainey
"I'm voting for Steve Glazer because his Clean Government Pledge will change California's political culture for the better. His promise not to accept any lobbyist gifts will ensure that his loyalty is to the people, not special interests. As State Senator, Steve will labor tirelessly to make Sacramento work more ethically and more effectively for Walnut Creek's citizenry."
Moraga Resident Emily Blanck
"Steve cares about the issues that concern me the most: education, the environment and working to keep California a great state."
1st Vice President of Democrats of Rossmoor John Foyt
“Steve Glazer is fiscally savvy. He is qualified to cope with the big issues, like water and education, facing the California State Senate. I’m voting for Steve.”
Teacher and Director Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Beth Wilson
“I support Steve Glazer because he takes strong stands on BART, on education and the environment. He also is someone who I believe can reach across the aisle and work to bring more consensus in the Senate.”
Former Walnut Creek Mayor & Ex-Democratic Central Committee Member Ed Skoog
“I support Steve Glazer because he shares my passion for bucking well-heeled special interests and doing what is best for our communities for the long-term. As State Senator, Steve’s paramount goals will be to enhance our quality of life and to protect the natural environment in our region and across California. Steve is like the open-minded, visionary Democratic leaders that our county once had, and will have again, if we elect him."
Jane Katsura RN, MS
"I have known Steve Glazer for 20 years as a father, husband and community leader who believes in promoting healthy habits for our youth. He shares my view that tobacco use is deadly and we need to do everything possible to keep tobacco products away from our youth.
Steve is a advocate for healthy living and supports educational policies to promote public health.
Steve is a positive,hardworking, honest public servant and is a public health champion."
Walnut Creek Councilmember Cindy Silva
"Over my eight years on the Walnut Creek City Council, I have had numerous opportunities to work with Steve at the regional level. Without question, he is thoughtful and balanced, focused on the needs of our communities, and dedicated to providing the best services in a fiscally prudent way."
Alamo Resident Paul Bleeg, CPA
“This election, we have a choice between ‘more-of-the-same,’ or Steve Glazer, who is on the side of taxpayers. Steve is not a business-as-usual politician. He is an independent reformer who has a deep grasp of the issues confronting California. He is one of the few people who understand the consequences of the huge unfunded pension liabilities facing this state and its municipalities. I support Steve Glazer and his attempt to bring some financial common sense and adult supervision to the legislature. He will be a vote for fiscal responsibility and against wasteful spending.”
Resident of Walnut Creek John Kobzina
“As a 44 year resident of Walnut Creek, I’ve watched many city and county leaders come and go. Many adhere to strict political party positions without concern for all the people. I am supporting Steve Glazer for Senate because I believe that he represents a leader who wants to solve problems, not play politics.”
Concord Resident Stuart Posselt
Lafayette Councilmember Mike Anderson
“Thanks to Steve Glazer and his conservation partners, thousands of acres of open space land have been permanently protected from development in Contra Costa County and throughout California. We need Steve’s experience and conservation ethic in Sacramento.”
Livermore Councilmember Bob Woerner
"Steve Glazer is a state and national environmental champion. He strongly supports Livermore’s urban growth boundary that protects our rolling hills and renowned vineyards."
Former Orinda Mayor Bill Judge
Livermore Councilmember Steven Spedowfski
"Steve is an accomplished Mayor who has the skill and experience to work across party lines for the long-term benefit of our community. Livermore and the Tri-Valley will have a strong advocate with Steve in Sacramento."
Danville Resident Nick Greenwald
"California’s political system is in dire need of a paradigm shift. The status quo is characterized by partisan ideologues beholden to powerful special interests. Sacramento needs pragmatic, solution-oriented legislators willing to fight for what is best for California. The legislator is currently filled with rubber stamps for the out-sized influence of powerful lobbies. Steve Glazer’s positions on the significant issues facing California show he truly is the independent centrist we need and that is why I am proud to endorse his candidacy for the 7th Senate District Special Election.
According to recent estimates by the Controller’s Office, California has roughly $200 billion in unfunded liabilities for public employee pensions. Young people like myself should be especially worried about this problem as we will be on the hook for paying for these retirees. Steve Glazer supports systematic pension reform and has made the issue a central part of his campaign. His opponent is at the beck and call of public sector unions and cannot be trusted to reform our pension system. She would prefer to kick the can down the road. Millennials already face tough economic times and we cannot be expected to pay countless billions for an insolvent pension system that legislators did not have the courage to change. Glazer has shown he has the political backbone to fight for the needed reform."
Former California State Controller Steve Westly
"Over three decades of public service, Steve Glazer has repeatedly proven himself as a socially progressive and fiscally responsible Democrat.
Steve strongly supports a woman's right to choose and adamantly opposes restrictions that would limit any woman's access to reproductive health services. He is also a passionate believer in marriage equality and LGBT rights. And, he's an environmentalist who helped preserve thousands of acres of open space.
Steve will continue his work to support key priorities like education and keeping college tuition down, but will draw the line on wasteful spending. He balanced multiple budgets as a Mayor and understands we need to keep our state on a responsible fiscal path.
Steve worked closely with Gov. Brown to prevent $6 billion in education cuts and led the campaign to provide affordable housing and residences for abused women and foster children.
That's the kind of leadership - and record of results - we need in the State Senate. Please join me in supporting Steve Glazer, a proven progressive problem-solver.
As California's former Chief Financial Officer, I know firsthand how important it is we elect proven and committed Democrats like Steve Glazer who will keep our state fiscally sound while fighting for human rights and our shared progressive values."
San Ramon Resident & Liaison to Contra Costa County Advisory Council on Aging Michael Prilutsky
“Steve Glazer shares my independent political outlook and I believe he will be an intelligent and capable State Senator. He has the common sense and pragmatism to do right in Sacramento. Steve will work to protect our most vulnerable children and at-risk senior citizens in a fiscally responsible manner.”
Emergency Room Physician Christopher Severson, MD
“As an emergency room doctor, I care deeply about public health and wellness.
I have looked closely at the charges made against Steve Glazer by his political opponents that he has worked for tobacco companies or is colluding with them to the detriment of public health.
These accusations are completely false.
Steve has never worked for tobacco companies.
Steve has never received any campaign contributions from tobacco companies or officers of tobacco companies.
“Steve position on the use of tobacco products is prominently posted on his campaign webpage ( He correctly equates tobacco use with addiction and death. He has pledged to never accept a dime from tobacco companies. He is also working to stiffen local regulations against the sale of tobacco products to minors and to limit tobacco use that could endanger the health of non-smokers.”
Former Mayor of Pleasant Hill and Retired Contra Costa County Sheriff's Deputy Chuck Escover
"When it comes to quality of life issues Steve is not controlled by labor or special interest."
Lafayette Resident and Attorney Daniel Horowitz
“Our race for State Senate is pitting a serious, thoughtful and caring man against a political attack machine that never deals with issues. Steve Glazer has survived and is winning, but needs continued support. Steve has my endorsement. I respect his ideas and his honesty. It made me so upset to see heavily funded and hateful campaigns directed at a person who is so obviously community minded. He has an "issues" page on his website. And he doesn't state fluff or sound bites. He actually takes positions and stands for something. I'm expecting Steve to do a lot of good in the Senate. He has the background, experience and as I've been saying - the strength of character. It's time the good people win.”
Clayton Resident John Brennecke
"Steve Glazer has done an excellent job of communicating his positions. He is the first candidate I have ever felt strongly about and have campaigned for. I wholeheartedly support Steve for the position of state senator."
Former Lafayette Mayor Anne Grodin
"I urge my Lafayette neighbors to consider Steve Glazer for State Senate. His abilities to build community and consensus are needed in Sacramento.”
Orinda Councilmember Amy Rein Worth
“As Mayor and Councilmember, Steve has focused on investing in local infrastructure. As our State Senator, he will be a leader on highway and transit improvements in our region.”
Livermore Resident and Retired Optics Engineer Richard Combs
“I support Steve Glazer as an independent, tough minded leader working to create broad-based solutions to complex problems, rather than a slave of a single narrow ideology. I admire him for the tough stands he has taken against entrenched special interests in the past, and look forward to his strong voice as my representative in the Senate.”
Lafayette Mayor Brandt Andersson
“Steve is interested in finding solutions - for schools, for roads, for economic development. His main criterion for a successful solution is that it works. Steve gets things done.”
Walnut Creek Mayor Bob Simmons
"Steve brings a combination of independent judgment and knowledge that he will use to ably represent Walnut Creek in Sacramento."
Clayton Resident Mas Morimoto
"I support Steve Glazer because he stands up for what he believes, no matter what the political consequences. When he saw the negative impact the BART strike was having on the community, Steve did the right thing and stood up to the unions, even though he knew it would cost him politically. We need more people who will follow their principles and not the whims of those with political power and dollars. That's why I support Steve in his quest for the State Senate."
Concord Resident Mike Tiktinsky
“The BART strikes inconvenienced hundreds of thousands of commuters, including me. I appreciate Steve Glazer’s courage in working to end BART strikes and challenging special interests. Steve stands with regular people.”
Acalanes School Board member & former Chief Deputy Superintendent, California Department of Education Richard Whitmore
"Steve has demonstrated time and again that he understands our local school and district needs and how they fit into a strong statewide education policy. He will make sure that we continue to pursue adequate funding and local flexibility in ways that best serve the schools of his district. I look forward to working with Steve as our state Senator."
California State Treasurer Kathleen Brown (Retired)
"I have known Steve for more than two decades. He is a strong advocate for civil rights, human rights, and women's rights. He is strongly pro-choice and favors marriage equality. He has been a leader in efforts to build shelters for battered and abused women. He provided critical support to ensure perpetrators of rape are caught and prosecuted.
Steve believes, as I do, that in order for government to deliver important services it must have its financial house in order. Steve supports sensible pension reform so funds will be there for the newly hired teacher, police officer, firefighter and nurse when they retire. He supports strong accountability measures throughout all levels of government.
Steve's progressive heart and sensible financial head will make him an outstanding State Senator."
Former Orinda School Board Member Patricia Rudebusch
“I have watched Steve Glazer’s leadership as an Orinda councilman and a California State University Trustee, and have seen firsthand his strength of character, pragmatism and independence. He believes in the promise of California and will not let threats of special interests quell difficult discussions that concern the future of our state.”
Moraga Town Councilmember Teresa Onoda
"I support Steve Glazer because he incorporates long-term fiscal responsibility into his decision-making and because he takes a common sense approach to problem solving rather than basing his conclusions on ideology. We need more level-headed thinkers in Sacramento."
Roz Rogoff of the San Ramon Observer
"I want someone to represent me and this district. I believe Steve Glazer will do that."
Silicon Valley Chinese Association
“Mr. Glazer thinks independently and takes a balanced path on issues relating to the state. On the contrary, his opponents are heavily influenced by special interest groups, especially the unions.” -Alex Chen, President of the Silicon Valley Chinese Association
Lafayette Resident Ben Douglas
"Like many of you, I want to be represented by public officials driven by fact-based problem solving, rather than ideology or powerful interest groups. As a social liberal and fiscal conservative who is unafraid to stand up to the unions that have a stranglehold on Sacramento, Steve is the right choice for the 7th Senate District."
San Ramon City Councilmember Scott Perkins
"San Ramon will have a close friend in the Legislature with Steve Glazer. He understands our community’s passion for great schools, safe roads and exceptional quality of life. I especially appreciate his firm commitment to fiscal responsibility. I strongly urge his election on May 19th."
City of Oakley Mayor Doug Hardcastle
“I support Steve Glazer for Senate because he will stand up for Delta boaters, campers and fishermen and oppose the twin tunnels water diversion fiasco. I have confidence that Steve will successfully defend our Oakley interests.”
San Ramon Vice Mayor Harry Sachs
"I am proud to endorse Steve Glazer for State Senate. He is a reform-minded, fiscal conservative who will serve our interests well."
Former State Senate President Pro Tem David Roberti
"I worked closely with Steve on our successful efforts to enact the nation's first state ban on military style assault weapons. We also worked together to raise hundreds of millions dollars for shelters for the homeless, battered women, foster kids and those in need.
"Steve will be an enormously knowledgeable, compassionate and thoughtful representative in the State Senate. He will continue the great tradition of independently minded representatives from the East Bay who put constituents' interests over the power of Capitol special interests. He has my unqualified endorsement."
Former Orinda Mayor Sue Severson
"I have seen first-hand how Steve’s independent, results-oriented leadership brings people together to create positive change for our communities. Sacramento is full of partisan talkers. Steve is a non-partisan doer-- for our schools, cities, and neighborhoods. He will help break down the partisan gridlock and be a solutions-oriented legislator.”
Former Antioch Councilmember Jim Conley
“As State Senator, Steve will defend East County’s drinking water from the Twin Tunnels’ grab. He will oppose diversion of funds from our local roads and transit to the high-speed train boondoggle.”
Antioch City Treasurer Donna Conley
“Steve Glazer will stand for fiscal sanity in the State Senate. He wants every one of our tax dollars to be spent efficiently. He will ensure that public pensions are sustainable, so that our grandchildren will not inherit the costs of unfunded giveaways by today’s politicians."
Former BART Director Joe Fitzpatrick
"As a former BART Director, I support Steve Glazer because BART strikes must be banned. A few hundred BART workers should not have the power to deny 200,000 commuters their ability to earn their livelihoods. Freeway gridlock during BART strikes is unsafe, preventing first responders from reaching those in life-threatening peril. Steve stands up for BART riders and commuters!"
Former California State Controller Steve Westly 2003-2007
"Over three decades of public service, Steve Glazer has repeatedly proven himself as a socially progressive and fiscally responsible Democrat.
Steve strongly supports a woman's right to choose and adamantly opposes restrictions that would limit any woman's access to reproductive health services. He is also a passionate believer in marriage equality and LGBT rights. And, he's an environmentalist who helped preserve thousands of acres of open space.
Steve will continue his work to support key priorities like education and keeping college tuition down, but will draw the line on wasteful spending. He balanced multiple budgets as a Mayor and understands we need to keep our state on a responsible fiscal path.
Steve worked closely with Gov. Brown to prevent $6 billion in education cuts and led the campaign to provide affordable housing and residences for abused women and foster children.
That's the kind of leadership - and record of results - we need in the State Senate. Please join me in supporting Steve Glazer, a proven progressive problem-solver.
As California's former Chief Financial Officer, I know firsthand how important it is we elect proven and committed Democrats like Steve Glazer who will keep our state fiscally sound while fighting for human rights and our shared progressive values."
Former Livermore City Councilmember Jeff Williams
“Steve believes that elected officials and candidates should not make private promises to special interests. He posts his positions on issues on his website for all to see. This is an important fulfillment of his pledge for openness and transparency. He has my vote.
Former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed
“We need Steve Glazer’s progressive and fiscally responsible leadership in the State Senate. He understands that investing necessary resources in our schools and universities and caring for those in need can only be sustained on a foundation of responsible fiscal management. He will work to rein in unfunded public pensions. He has the courage to stand up against powerful special interests as he did when he opposed the BART strikes. It is his combination of independence, strength of character, and progressive accomplishment that makes him such a worthy candidate. I strongly support his election.”
Antioch City Clerk Arne Simonsen
“Steve Glazer is the only candidate in this race who stood up to the BART union bosses and the only candidate who refuses to make secret promises to Sacramento special interests. As State Senator, Steve will work diligently to upgrade East County’s congested transportation system and to protect the Delta and our drinking water from external threats.”
Town of Moraga Vice Mayor Michael Metcalf
“I’ve known Steve as an Orinda Councilmember for many years. Moraga has a friend in Steve, and I am confident that he will go to Sacramento as a pragmatic problem solver: Steve will be a change agent in the Legislature for the public good. He’s got my endorsement.”
Former State Senator and Contra Costa County Sheriff Dick Rainey
"I support Steve Glazer for State Senate. He is an independent Democrat who is fiscally conservative and respects Republican values. He is a rare leader who can constructively find common ground with Republicans and Democrats. I urge you to vote Glazer for Senate!"
Lafayette City Councilmember Mark Mitchell
“I’m supporting Steve Glazer for Senate because he has the courage and independence to represent all of us.”
Walnut Creek Civic Leaders Dick and Sally Ingraham
“We endorse Steve Glazer because he will be a fiscally prudent state senator. Our limited transportation dollars are better spent on Bay Area road upgrades than on that never-to-be-finished train down the middle of the state. BART is too important to Contra Costa commuters to shut down. We’re with Steve on banning BART strikes."
Board President Orinda Union Schoolboard Matt Moran
"Steve has been a champion for Orinda schools and honored twice by the Orinda School District for his outstanding contributions. I’m all in for Steve.”
Rossmoor Resident Wint Mather
"As a Contra Costa resident of 29 years, I have observed Mayor Steve Glazer at many City Council meetings and public events. I have seen him on TV, boldly speaking about unfunded public debt and BART strikes. I’m a lifelong Democrat who believes that Steve is the best candidate for state Senator."
Former Town of Moraga Mayor Ken Chew
“Steve has always has the highest standards of honesty and integrity. He is in public service for the right reasons and making a real difference in all that he undertakes."
Pleasanton Resident Fidela Del Docena
“Steve Glazer is a public education champion on the California State University Board of Trustees and in his community. He is a proven friend of students and schools.”
Orinda Councilmember Dean Orr
“Steve is a consensus builder but he also has the courage to take on powerful interests.”
Town of Moraga Mayor Roger Wykle
"Steve Glazer is a strong advocate for efficiency and accountability in government. He is not afraid to take the necessary steps to ensure that public business is conducted at the highest standard for the least cost."
Small Business Owner Derek Tinder
“I have owned and operated the Walnut Creek AAMCO Total Car Care Center for eight years. I support Steve Glazer and his ban on BART strikes because the 2013 shutdowns harmed small businesses like mine. Many of my customers are commuters who drop off their cars and walk to BART. Some of my employees use BART to get to work. I back Mr. Glazer in making sure that BART is reliable and cost-effective.”
Town of Danville Vice Mayor Karen Stepper
"I have enjoyed serving on regional committees with Steve. He is an effective listener, creative at helping formulate consensus, and fiscally conservative."
Former California State Senator Gloria Romero
"Steve Glazer is a public education champion! He will be a powerful advocate in the Senate for our public schools and universities. Local school districts should be empowered to design programs and policies that best serve their individual needs. Steve understands that state mandates should be minimized and he will will vigorously oppose legislative actions to reduce local school district reserve funds. I strongly support his election to the Senate!"
Former Congressman Bill Baker
Pleasanton City Councilmember Kathy Narum
"Steve has the independence and experience to fight the powerful interests in Sacramento who want to steal our water, raise our taxes and usurp our local control. In this field of candidates, Steve is the clear choice."
Pleasanton Councilmember Arne Olson
Moraga Town Councilmember Phil Arth
“Steve Glazer is one of the East Bay’s leading voices for independent, rational political thought. Steve is not afraid to stand up for citizens against special interests. We, the people, need him in Sacramento.”
Pleasanton Mayor Jerry Thorne
"Steve Glazer believes there should be local control on local issues. He and I share the creed that government closer to the people is most responsible and accountable. He would make an outstanding state senator. I will be voting for Steve."
Contra Costa Times Endorses Steve Glazer for Senate
February 6, 2015
"We back Glazer because we agree with him on more issues, and he offers thoughtful centrist positions generally lacking in the Legislature."
City of Lafayette Vice Mayor Traci Reilly
"I am supporting Steve Glazer for State Senate because we need to send someone to Sacramento who is fiscally disciplined and willing to stand up to special interests."
Lafayette School District Governing Board Jean Follmer
"As a school board member and parent, I am proud to support Steve for State Senate. Steve will work to repeal the recently passed district reserve cap so districts can continue to budget responsibly. Steve also understands that the Local Control Funding Formula does not provide an adequate base for all districts and he will push for both adequacy and equity. As an Independent, I am particularly impressed by Steve's willingness to work across party lines. We definitely need a more collaborative culture in Sacramento."
Lafayette Councilmember Don Tatzin
"Steve Glazer and I serve cities that are rooted in fiscal discipline with low debt and no pension liabilities. He will be a great budget watchdog in Sacramento."
Michaela Hertle
"I am endorsing Steve Glazer for California State Senate District 7. Mr. Glazer has proven that he can work with Republicans and Democrats alike to find common sense solutions to our state’s needs. Like me, he is a fiscal conservative. He supports pension reform and school reform. He is not beholden to labor or other special interests, as seen by his opposition to BART strikes. I urge my fellow Republicans to vote for Steve Glazer. We have more commonalities with him than differences and he can win this race."
Orinda School Board Member Julie Rossiter
“Steve has spoken out against the recent legislative action limiting local school district reserve funds. He has always been a strong education advocate, and will fight for local control of our schools."
Acalanes School Board President Susie Epstein
"Steve has been a leader in improving education in California for many years and we can count on him to put the needs of students first in the State Senate."
San Ramon Councilmember Dave Hudson
“I'm a life-long Republican and Steve’s positions on fiscal issues have convinced me that he’s the best candidate for the job. Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, a government that lives within its means is a more responsible government.”
Moraga Councilmember Dave Trotter
“I really believe that Steve can be a game changer in Sacramento. He has the skill and experience to work across party lines and make good things happen.”