Dublin Unified School District Trustee Greg Tomlinson

As a trustee of the Dublin Unified School District, I recognize how imperative it is that we have a State Senator like Steve Glazer who understands the issues facing education. Steve will use his experience as a California State University Trustee to improve education through enhanced teacher effectiveness, reforming pensions in a long-term sustainable manner, and providing teachers the tools they need. Hard choices and tough decisions will need to be made. Steve is the right person to do this as he’s not beholden to special interests and has a long track record as a problem solver.
I especially admire his willingness, all too uncommon in politics these days, to lay out a bold vision of his positions and let the chips fall where they may. I know Steve believes these are the right things to do to put our state on a solid foundation, and he’s the rare politician that can genuinely appeal to both sides of the aisle. I’m proud to support Steve Glazer for State Senate.”