“NFIB is proud to endorse Steve Glazer for the State Senate. He believes, as do our members, that government needs to live within its means. Unlike his opponent, Steve opposes extending Prop. 30 small business taxes, wants to protect Proposition 13 property tax protections, and is committed to stopping the powerful special interests have dominated the State Capitol for too long.” -John Kabateck, NFIB/CA Executive Director
“Steve will be a reasonable voice in Sacramento. There are not enough legislators who support small businesses and we create 67% of the jobs in California. I look forward to working with him to ensure that small business owners can grow their businesses, create jobs and thrive.” -Judy Lloyd, NFIB/CA Leadership Council member and owner of Altamont Strategies in Danville
“Steve has set himself apart from the typical union-backed Democrat and has taken a stand against out-of-control pensions and government spending. He will be a strong advocate for businesses in his district such as mine.” -Cliff Luengo, NFIB/CA Leadership Council member and owner of RB Construction in Fremont