Stand with Steve because he stands with us!
SENATOR STEVE GLAZER HAS STOOD UP FOR CALIFORNIA AND OUR COMMUNITIES; fighting to protect our air and water from polluters, standing up to the gun lobby; curtailing the power of banks and their predatory lending; stopping giveaways to big developers; beating the tobacco and vaping lobby; and protecting the health and welfare of families and children from all backgrounds who live in our state.
REDUCING GUN VIOLENCE. Steve stood up to the NRA and wrote the legislation to strengthen California’s Assault Weapon Ban. (photos)
HELPING WORKING FAMILIES. Steve voted to raise the minimum wage, expand the rights of workers to unionize, stop wage theft, and provide paid maternity leave for school employees. (photos)
CHAMPION FOR SCHOOLS. Steve has been a state leader in expanding funding for schools and colleges to record levels; stopping tuition increases and expanding college admission slots for California residents. (photos)
HELPING RENTERS. Steve has proposed increasing the Renters Tax Credit for the first time in 40 years -- to $500 for singles and $1,000 for couples and single parents.
PROTECTING WOMEN’S/LGBTQ RIGHTS. Steve was rated 100% by Planned Parenthood and 100% by Equality California for four straight years. (photos)
STEVE IS HOLDING PG&E ACCOUNTABLE for their failure to harden their electrical grid, forcing unnecessary power shutdowns and massive wildfire casualties. He is demanding that telecommunication companies install power backups to maintain reliable cell phone service during emergencies.
FIGHTING FOR SMALL BUSINESS. Steve wrote the nation's first Truth-in-Lending protections for small business borrowers and supported grants to help small business survive the economic disruption caused by the pandemic.
COMBATTING CLIMATE CHANGE. Steve voted for the nation’s toughest clean air laws and to restrict oil drilling off our coast.
Despite pressures from powerful special interests, Steve stays focused on fighting for our community. We stand with Steve because Steve stands with us.
Steve was named a Reproductive Health Care Champion by Planned Parenthood in recognition of his 100% voting record.
Steve's Governing Principles
- Represent the people of our Senate district, not political parties or special interests;
- Maintain a balanced budget to allow government to help people, and people to have confidence in government;
- Pursue bipartisan decisions. They are always better and longer lasting;
- Emphasize education as the gateway to opportunity and prosperity;
- Work hard to set priorities and hold the line on taxes;
- Incorporate environmental protection as part of every decision;
- Empower local decision-making rather than state mandates. It is more responsive and trustworthy;
- Advance accountability and efficiency with every government program;
- Promote civility and respect for all people and perspectives;
- Conduct myself always with honesty and integrity