Former Livermore City Councilmember Jeff Williams
“Steve believes that elected officials and candidates should not make private promises to special interests. He posts his positions on issues on his website for all to see. This is an important fulfillment of his pledge for openness and transparency. He has my vote.
Antioch City Clerk Arne Simonsen
“Steve Glazer is the only candidate in this race who stood up to the BART union bosses and the only candidate who refuses to make secret promises to Sacramento special interests. As State Senator, Steve will work diligently to upgrade East County’s congested transportation system and to protect the Delta and our drinking water from external threats.”
Town of Moraga Vice Mayor Michael Metcalf
“I’ve known Steve as an Orinda Councilmember for many years. Moraga has a friend in Steve, and I am confident that he will go to Sacramento as a pragmatic problem solver: Steve will be a change agent in the Legislature for the public good. He’s got my endorsement.”
Former State Senator and Contra Costa County Sheriff Dick Rainey
"I support Steve Glazer for State Senate. He is an independent Democrat who is fiscally conservative and respects Republican values. He is a rare leader who can constructively find common ground with Republicans and Democrats. I urge you to vote Glazer for Senate!"
Lafayette City Councilmember Mark Mitchell
“I’m supporting Steve Glazer for Senate because he has the courage and independence to represent all of us.”
Walnut Creek Civic Leaders Dick and Sally Ingraham
“We endorse Steve Glazer because he will be a fiscally prudent state senator. Our limited transportation dollars are better spent on Bay Area road upgrades than on that never-to-be-finished train down the middle of the state. BART is too important to Contra Costa commuters to shut down. We’re with Steve on banning BART strikes."
Board President Orinda Union Schoolboard Matt Moran
"Steve has been a champion for Orinda schools and honored twice by the Orinda School District for his outstanding contributions. I’m all in for Steve.”
Rossmoor Resident Wint Mather
"As a Contra Costa resident of 29 years, I have observed Mayor Steve Glazer at many City Council meetings and public events. I have seen him on TV, boldly speaking about unfunded public debt and BART strikes. I’m a lifelong Democrat who believes that Steve is the best candidate for state Senator."
Pleasanton Resident Fidela Del Docena
“Steve Glazer is a public education champion on the California State University Board of Trustees and in his community. He is a proven friend of students and schools.”