Former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed
“We need Steve Glazer’s progressive and fiscally responsible leadership in the State Senate. He understands that investing necessary resources in our schools and universities and caring for those in need can only be sustained on a foundation of responsible fiscal management. He will work to rein in unfunded public pensions. He has the courage to stand up against powerful special interests as he did when he opposed the BART strikes. It is his combination of independence, strength of character, and progressive accomplishment that makes him such a worthy candidate. I strongly support his election.”
Former State Senator and Contra Costa County Sheriff Dick Rainey
"I support Steve Glazer for State Senate. He is an independent Democrat who is fiscally conservative and respects Republican values. He is a rare leader who can constructively find common ground with Republicans and Democrats. I urge you to vote Glazer for Senate!"
Former California State Senator Gloria Romero
"Steve Glazer is a public education champion! He will be a powerful advocate in the Senate for our public schools and universities. Local school districts should be empowered to design programs and policies that best serve their individual needs. Steve understands that state mandates should be minimized and he will will vigorously oppose legislative actions to reduce local school district reserve funds. I strongly support his election to the Senate!"